Summary of technical service in Rongxing
The equipment condition of Rongxing steelmaking plant has a large room for improvement, but the EAF and LF operation level of on-site personnel is low. There are many problems on power supply system, slagging process, oxygen supply system, rationality of oxygen lance and carbon lance installation, lining masonry process, etc.

Summary of technical service in Sichuan Anshan
According to equipment status of Sichuan Anshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd, there is great promotion room over production capacity. In the meantime there are many problems such as power supply system, slag making process, oxygen supply system, rationality of oxygen lance and carbon lance installation, and lining laying technology.

Summary of technical service in Chongqing Yonghang
The technical team has gotten an agreement with Chongqing Yonghang Steel Co., Ltd. to implement a hot trial of a set of magnesia carbon bricks and related refractory auxiliary materials for a complete ling service period in Chongqing Yonghang 80T Consteel EAF, as well as magnesia carbon bricks and related auxiliary refractory for a ladle lining.